Changelog ========= Version 2024.4.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed packaging :pr:`986` Version 2023.3.24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Compatibility with Python 3.10 * Dropped support for Python 3.7 * Compatibility with scikit-learn 1.2.0 and newer Version 2022.5.27 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Compatibility with scikit-learn 1.1 and newer (:pr:`910`) Version 2021.11.30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed regression in meta inference for wrappers when the base estimator returned a `scipy.sparse` matrix (:pr:`889`) Version 2021.11.16 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Meta-estimators like :class:`wrappers.ParallelPostFit` now work with cuDF and CuPy objects. (:pr:`862`) * Fixed incompatibility with new Dask optimizations in :class:`wrappers.ParallelPostFit` (:pr:`878`) Version 2021.10.17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support for scikit-learn 1.0.0. scikit-learn 1.0.0 is now the minimum-supported version. Version 1.9.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``LogisticRegression.predict_proba`` now correctly returns an ``(n, 2)`` array for binary classification (:pr:`760`) * Fixed multioutput behavior to be consistent with scikit-learn (:pr:`820`) * Added MAPE to regression metrics (:pr:`822`) * NumPy 1.20 compatability (:pr:`784`) Version 1.8.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Compatibility with scikit-learn 0.24 Version 1.7.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved documentation for working with PyTorch models, see :ref:`pytorch` (:pr:`699`) * Improved documentation for working with Keras / TensorFlow models, see :ref:`keras` (:pr:`713`) * Fixed handling of remote vocabularies in :class:`dask_ml.feature_extraction.text.HashingVectorizer` (:pr:`719`) * Added :func:`dask_ml.metrics.regression.mean_squared_log_error` (:pr:`725`) * Allow user-provided categories in :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder` (:pr:`727`) * Added :meth:`dask_ml.linear_model.LogisticRegression.decision_function` (:pr:`728`) * Added ``compute`` argument to :class:`dask_ml.decomposition.TruncatedSVD` (:pr:`743`) * Fixed sign stability in incremental PCA (:pr:`742`) Version 1.6.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Improved documentation for RandomizedSearchCV * Improved logging in :class:`dask_ml.cluster.KMeans` (:pr:`688`) * Added support for ``dask.dataframe`` objects in :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.HyperbandSearchCV` (:pr:`701`) * Added ``squared=True`` option to :class:`dask_ml.metrics.mean_squared_error` (:pr:`707`) * Added :class:`dask_ml.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer` (:pr:`705`) Version 1.5.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Support for Python 3.8 (:pr:`669`) * Compatibility with Scikit-Learn 0.23.0 (:pr:`669`) * Scikit-Learn 0.23.0 or newer is now required (:pr:`669`) * Removed previously deprecated Partial classes. Use :class:`dask_ml.wrappers.Incremental` instead (:pr:`674`) Version 1.4.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added :class:`dask_ml.decomposition.IncrementalPCA` for out-of-core / distributed incremental PCA (:pr:`619`) * Improved logging and monitoring in incremental model selection (:pr:`528`) * Added :class:`dask_ml.ensemble.BlockwiseVotingClassifier` and :class:`dask_ml.ensemble.BlockwiseVotingRegressor` for blockwise training and ensemble prediction (:pr:`657`) * Improved documentation for :ref:`hyper-parameter-search` (:pr:`432`) Version 1.3.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added ``shuffle`` support to :func:`dask_ml.model_selection.train_test_split` for ``DataFrame`` input (:pr:`625`) - Improved performance of :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.GridSearchCV` by re-using cached tasks (:pr:`622`) - Add support for ``DataFrame`` to :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.GridSearchCV` (:pr:`612`) - Fixed :meth:`dask_ml.linear_model.LinearRegression.score` to use ``r2_score`` rather than ``mse`` (:pr:`614`) - Handle missing data in :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.StandardScaler` (:pr:`608`) Version 1.2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Changed the name of the second positional argument in :class:`model_selection.IncrementalSearchCV` from ``param_distribution`` to ``parameters`` to match the name of the base class. - Compatibility with scikit-learn 0.22.1. - Added :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.BlockTransfomer` an extension of scikit-learn's `FunctionTransformer` (:issue:`366`). - Added :class:`dask_ml.feature_extraction.FeatureHasher` which is similar to scikit-learn's implementation. Version 1.1.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fixed an issue with the 1.1.0 wheel (:issue:`575`) - Make svd_flip work even when arrays are read only (:issue:`592`) Version 1.1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Non-arrays (e.g. Dask Bags and DataFrames) are now allowed in :class:`dask_ml.wrappers.Incremental`. This is useful for text classification pipelines (pr:`570`) - The index is now preserved in :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.PolynomialFeatures` for DataFrame inputs (:pr:`563`) - :class:`dask_ml.decomposition.PCA` now works with DataFrame inputs (:pr:`543`) - :class:`dask_ml.cluster.KMeans` handles inputs where some blocks are length-0 (:pr:`559`) - Improved error reporting for mixed inputs to :func:`dask_ml.model_selection.train_test_split` (:pr:`552`) - Removed deprecated ``dask_ml.joblib`` module. Use ``joblib.parallel_backend`` instead (:pr:`545`) - :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.QuantileTransformer` now handles DataFrame input (:pr:`533`) Version 1.0.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Added new hyperparameter search meta-estimators for hyperparameter search on distributed datasets: :class:`~dask_ml.model_selection.HyperbandSearchCV` and :class:`~dask_ml.model_selection.SuccessiveHalvingSearchCV` - Dropped Python 2 support (:pr:`500`) Version 0.13.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Compatibility with scikit-learn 0.21.1 - Cross-validation results in ``GridSearchCV`` and ``RandomizedSearchCV`` are now gathered as completed, in case a worker is lost (:issue:`433`) - Fixed bug in :func:`dask_ml.model_selection.train_test_split` when only one of train / test size is provided (:issue:`502`) - Consistent random state for :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.IncrementalSearchCV` - Fixed various issues with 32-bit Windows builds (:issue:`487`) .. note:: dask-ml 0.13.0 will be the last release to support Python 2. Version 0.12.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ API Breaking Changes -------------------- - :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.IncrementalSearchCV` now returns Dask objects for post-fit methods like ``.predict``, etc (:issue:`423`). Version 0.11.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note that this version of Dask-ML requires scikit-learn >= 0.20.0. Enhancements ------------ - Added :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.IncrementalSearchCV`, a meta-estimator for hyperparameter optimization on larger-than-memory datasets (:pr:`356`). See :ref:`hyperparameter.incremental` for more. - Added :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.PolynomialTransformer`, a drop-in replacement for the scikit-learn version (:issue:`347`). - Added auto-rechunking to Dask Arrays with more than one block along the features in :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.ParallelPostFit` (:issue:`376`) - Added support for Dask DataFrame inputs to :class:`dask_ml.cluster.KMeans` (:issue:`390`) - Added a ``compute`` keyword to :meth:`dask_ml.wrappers.ParallelPostFit.score` to support lazily evaluating a model's score (:pr:`402`) Bug Fixes --------- - Changed :class:`dask_ml.wrappers.ParallelPostFit` to automatically rechunk input arrays to methods like ``predict`` when they have more than one block along the features (:issue:`376`). - Bug in :class:`dask_ml.impute.SimpleImputer` with Dask DataFrames filling the count of the most frequent item, rather than the item itself (:issue:`385`). - Bug in :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.ShuffleSplit` returning the same split when the ``random_state`` was set (:issue:`380`). Version 0.10.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enhancements ------------ - Added support for :class:`dask.dataframe.DataFrame` to :meth:`dask_ml.model_selection.train_test_split` (:issue:`351`) Version 0.9.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enhancements ------------ - Added :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.ShuffleSplit` (:pr:`340`) Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed handling of errors in the predict and score steps of :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.GridSearchCV` and :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.RandomizedSearchCV` (:pr:`339`) - Compatability with Dask 0.18 for :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.LabelEncoder` (you'll also notice improved performance) (:pr:`336`). Documentation Updates --------------------- - Added a :ref:`roadmap`. Please `open an issue `__ if you'd like something to be included on the roadmap. (:pr:`322`) - Added many :ref:`examples` to the documentation and the `dask examples `__ binder. Build Changes ------------- We're now using `Numba `__ for performance-sensitive parts of Dask-ML. Dask-ML is now a pure-python project, so we can provide universal wheels. Version 0.8.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enhancements ------------ - Automatically replace default scikit-learn scorers with dask-aware versions in Incremental (:issue:`200`) - Added the :func:`dask_ml.metrics.log_loss` loss function and ``neg_log_loss`` scorer (:pr:`318`) - Fixed handling of array-like fit-parameters to GridSearchCV and BaseSearchCV (:pr:`320`) Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed dtype in :meth:`LabelEncoder.fit_transform` to be integer, rather than the dtype of the classes for dask arrays (:pr:`311`) Version 0.7.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enhancements ------------ - Added ``sample_weight`` support for :meth:`dask_ml.metrics.accuracy_score`. (:pr:`217`) - Improved performance of training on :class:`dask_ml.cluster.SpectralClustering` (:pr:`152`) - Added :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.LabelEncoder`. (:pr:`226`) - Fixed issue in ``model_selection`` meta-estimators not respecting the default Dask scheduler (:pr:`260`) API Breaking Changes -------------------- - Removed the ``basis_inds_`` attribute from :class:`dask_ml.cluster.SpectralClustering` as its no longer used (:pr:`152`) - Change :meth:`` to clone the underlying estimator before training (:pr:`258`). This induces a few changes 1. The underlying estimator no longer gives access to learned attributes like ``coef_``. We recommend using ``Incremental.coef_``. 2. State no longer leaks between successive ``fit`` calls. Note that :meth:`Incremental.partial_fit` is still available if you want state, like learned attributes or random seeds, to be re-used. This is useful if you're making multiple passes over the training data. - Changed ``get_params`` and ``set_params`` for :class:`dask_ml.wrappers.Incremental` to no longer magically get / set parameters for the underlying estimator (:pr:`258`). To specify parameters for the underlying estimator, use the double-underscore prefix convention established by scikit-learn: .. code-block:: python inc.set_params('estimator__alpha': 10) Reorganization -------------- Dask-SearchCV is now being developed in the ``dask/dask-ml`` repository. Users who previously installed ``dask-searchcv`` should now just install ``dask-ml``. Bug Fixes --------- - Fixed random seed generation on 32-bit platforms (:issue:`230`) Version 0.6.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ API Breaking Changes -------------------- - Removed the `get` keyword from the incremental learner ``fit`` methods. (:pr:`187`) - Deprecated the various ``Partial*`` estimators in favor of the :class:`dask_ml.wrappers.Incremental` meta-estimator (:pr:`190`) Enhancements ------------ - Added a new meta-estimator :class:`dask_ml.wrappers.Incremental` for wrapping any estimator with a `partial_fit` method. See :ref:`incremental.blockwise-metaestimator` for more. (:pr:`190`) - Added an R2-score metric :meth:`dask_ml.metrics.r2_score`. Version 0.5.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ API Breaking Changes -------------------- - The `n_samples_seen_` attribute on :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.StandardScalar` is now consistently ``numpy.nan`` (:issue:`157`). - Changed the algorithm for :meth:`dask_ml.datasets.make_blobs`, :meth:`dask_ml.datasets.make_regression` and :meth:`dask_ml.datasets.make_classfication` to reduce the single-machine peak memory usage (:issue:`67`) Enhancements ------------ - Added :func:`dask_ml.model_selection.train_test_split` and :class:`dask_ml.model_selection.ShuffleSplit` (:issue:`172`) - Added :func:`dask_ml.metrics.classification_score`, :func:`dask_ml.metrics.mean_absolute_error`, and :func:`dask_ml.metrics.mean_squared_error`. Bug Fixes --------- - :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.StandardScalar` now works on DataFrame inputs (:issue:`157`). - Version 0.4.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This release added several new estimators. Enhancements ------------ Added :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.RobustScaler` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Scale features using statistics that are robust to outliers. This mirrors :class:`sklearn.preprocessing.RobustScalar` (:issue:`62`). Added :class:`dask_ml.preprocessing.OrdinalEncoder` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Encodes categorical features as ordinal, in one ordered feature (:issue:`119`). Added :class:`dask_ml.wrappers.ParallelPostFit` """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" A meta-estimator for fitting with any scikit-learn estimator, but post-processing (``predict``, ``transform``, etc.) in parallel on dask arrays. See :ref:`parallel-meta-estimators` for more (:issue:`132`). Version 0.4.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ API Changes ----------- - Changed the arguments of the dask-glm based estimators in ``dask_glm.linear_model`` to match scikit-learn's API (:issue:`94`). * To specify ``lambuh`` use ``C = 1.0 / lambduh`` (the default of 1.0 is unchanged) * The ``rho``, ``over_relax``, ``abstol`` and ``reltol`` arguments have been removed. Provide them in ``solver_kwargs`` instead. This affects the ``LinearRegression``, ``LogisticRegression`` and ``PoissonRegression`` estimators. Enhancements ------------ - Accept ``dask.dataframe`` for dask-glm based estimators (:issue:`84`). Version 0.3.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enhancements ------------ - Added :meth:`dask_ml.preprocessing.TruncatedSVD` and :meth:`dask_ml.preprocessing.PCA` (:issue:`78`) Version 0.3.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enhancements ------------ - Added :meth:`KMeans.predict` (:issue:`83`) API Changes ----------- - Changed the fitted attributes on ``MinMaxScaler`` and ``StandardScaler`` to be concrete NumPy or pandas objects, rather than persisted dask objects (:issue:`75`).