
Thanks for helping to build dask-ml!

Cloning the Repository

Make a fork of the dask-ml repo and clone the fork

git clone<your-github-username>/dask-ml
cd dask-ml

You may want to add as an upstream remote repository.

git remote add upstream

Creating an environment

We have conda environment YAML files with all the necessary dependencies in the ci directory.

conda env create -f ci/environment-latest.yaml --name=dask-ml-dev

to create a conda environment and install all the dependencies.

If you’re using pip, you can view the list of all the required and optional dependencies within (see the install_requires field for required dependencies and extras_require for optional dependencies).

Building dask-ml

Dask-ML is a pure-python repository. Development installation should be as simple as cloning the repository and running the following in the cloned directory:


python -m pip install -e ".[dev]"


conda activate dask-ml-dev
python -m pip install --no-deps -e .

If you have any trouble, please open an issue on the dask-ml issue tracker.


Dask-ML uses black for formatting and flake8 for linting. If you installed dask-ml with python -m pip install -e ".[dev]" these tools will already be installed.

black .
isort -rc dask_ml tests

You may wish to setup a pre-commit hook to run black when you commit changes.

Running tests

Dask-ml uses py.test for testing. You can run tests from the main dask-ml directory as follows:

pytest tests

Alternatively you may choose to run only a subset of the full test suite. For example to test only the preprocessing submodule we would run tests as follows:

pytest tests/preprocessing


If your Pull Request decreases the lines of code covered, the CI may fail. Sometimes this is OK, and a maintainer will merge it anyway. To check the coverage locally, use

pytest --cov --cov-report=html

You can still use all the usual pytest command-line options in addition to those.

Pre-Commit Hooks

Install and build the pre commit tool as:

python -m pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

to install a few plugins like black, isort, and flake8. These tools will automatically be run on each commit. You can skip the checks with git commit --no-verify.


For the most part, we follow scikit-learn’s API design. If you’re implementing a new estimator, it will ideally pass scikit-learn’s estimator check.

We have some additional decisions to make in the dask context. Ideally

  1. All attributes learned during .fit should be concrete, i.e. they should not be dask collections.

  2. To the extent possible, transformers should support

    • numpy.ndarray

    • pandas.DataFrame

    • dask.Array

    • dask.DataFrame

  3. If possible, transformers should accept a columns keyword to limit the transformation to just those columns, while passing through other columns untouched. inverse_transform should behave similarly (ignoring other columns) so that inverse_transform(transform(X)) equals X.

  4. Methods returning arrays (like .transform, .predict), should return the same type as the input. So if a dask.array is passed in, a dask.array with the same chunks should be returned.


We use numpydoc for our docstrings.

Building the docs is possible with

$ conda env create -f ci/environment-docs.yaml --name=dask-ml-dev-docs
$ conda activate dask-ml-dev-docs
$ python -m pip install -e .
$ cd docs
$ make html

Examples are written as Jupyter notebooks with their output stripped, either manually or using nbstripout. We want examples to be runnable on binder so they should be small, but include instructions for how to scale up to larger problems.

The source for most examples is maintained in the dask-examples repository. Updates should be made there, and they’re automatically included as part of the Dask-ML documentation build process.

When adding an example for new feature that’s only available in main, the notebook should be first included in Dask-ML repository under docs/source/examples/. These examples will be moved to dask/dask-examples as part of the Dask-ML release process.